Treballa a BSB

Treballa a BSB

Gràcies pel teu interès per formar part de l’equip de BSB. A continuació trobaràs les vacants disponibles per a llocs tant docents com no docents a The British School of Barcelona.

Les escoles Cognita es comprometen a protegir i promoure el benestar dels nens, les nenes i els joves i s’espera que tot el personal, voluntariat i terceres persones comparteixin aquesta visió.

Abans de confirmar qualsevol incorporació, posem en marxa pràctiques de contractació segures i verifiquem els antecedents de cada aspirant. Verifiquem els antecedents penals tant a Espanya com en qualsevol país en el qual hagi viscut durant un període de tres mesos o més en els últims deu anys.

Com presentar la teva candidatura

Llevat que s’especifiqui el contrari, per tal de sol·licitar una vacant a BSB hauràs d’emplenar el Formulari de Sol·licitud de sota i enviar-lo juntament amb una carta de presentació a tot indicant el títol del lloc al qual aspires en l’apartat de l’assumpte.

Sobre BSB

The British School of Barcelona és una escola magnífica situada en un lloc meravellós. Està acreditada com a una de les millors Escoles Britàniques del món gràcies a la inspecció com a Escola Britànica a l’Estranger (British Schools Overseas o BSO, per les sigles angleses), on BSB va obtenir la classificació d’excel·lent en totes les categories.

BSB és una escola reconeguda i de gran dimensions per a estudiants de tres a divuit anys. Més de 1 700 joves de més de seixanta-cinc nacionalitats diferents hi assisteixen i tenim una plantilla de més de 250 persones. El nostre pla d’estudis es basa en el Currículum Nacional Anglès i oferim les opcions de cursar GCSE, A Level i el Programa del Diploma de Batxillerat Internacional (IBDP) a més d’un important programa d’enriquiment.

Barcelona és una de les ciutats més vibrants i culturals del món. L’escola està formada per quatre campus situats a l’àrea de Barcelona. El Campus BSB City es troba al districte de Sarrià-Sant Gervasi de la ciutat comtal, mentre que BSB Castelldefels i BSB Sitges, als afores de la ciutat, estan a tocar de platges bellíssimes i disposen d’una connexió en transport públic excel·lent.

Gràcies a una inversió significativa, en els últims anys hem inaugurat un centre de Batxillerat (BSB Nexus), un Teatre, laboratoris de ciències nous, un complet camp de rugbi i futbol amb superfície 4G i l’innovador BSB STEM Centre, la nostra incorporació més recent.

Si en vols més informació, et convidem a visitar la resta de la pàgina web.

El nostre personal

El nostre objectiu és atraure el millor personal docent i auxiliar per tal de crear i mantenir la reputació com a centre d’ensenyament excel·lent.

Busquem molt especialment docents capaços de reconèixer la diversitat de l’alumnat, de basar el seu ensenyament en una perspectiva multicultural i d’observar els més elevats estàndards professionals.

Tots els llocs comporten salaris competitius, places a BSB per als fills / les filles i altres beneficis locals. També oferim un programa de suport a l’arribada per establir-se fàcilment a Barcelona.

Ofertes Actuals

We are looking to recruit a Temporary, full-time Primary Teacher starting in October 2024 until June 2025 due to a maternity cover. This position will be based at our Castelldefels campus.

Required qualifications:
  • UK qualifications and relevant experience teaching at either Key Stage 3, GCSE, A level or IB, either in the UK or overseas, are essential for all posts.

  • We require our staff to be English-speaking teachers (native-speaker level).

  • A commitment to the wider life of the school and our enrichment programme, is also an essential expectation of the job.

Main functions:
  • Teaching the English Primary National Curriculum

  • Setting high expectations which engage, motivate and challenge pupils.

  • Planning and teaching lessons which are creative and inspire awe and wonder.

  • Monitoring and being accountable for pupils’ attainment, progress and outcomes.

  • Setting high expectations of positive attitudes to learning.

  • Communicating effectively with parents with regard to pupils’ achievements and wellbeing.

  • Making a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of a school.

  • Continuously challenging themselves to improve, progress and be the best teacher they can possibly be.

All positions are offered with attractive packages including very competitive salaries, places for children in BSB, and other local benefits. Full induction and help with settling in Barcelona will be provided.

Join a team of dedicated, enthusiastic, inspirational individuals who appreciate the rigour of the English curriculum, but embrace the freedoms offered by an international setting, to plan for, and deliver outstanding results for our students.

Application Process:

Deadline for applications: 9am Friday 06/09/2024

Applications will be considered upon receipt and interviews will be scheduled as soon as mutually convenient.

To apply, please complete the Application Form and send it, along with a covering letter to Please indicate the job title in the subject line.

We are looking to recruit a Temporary Teacher of Mathematics starting in November 2024 until June 2025 due to a paternity cover. This position will be based at our Castelldefels campus.
The school places great emphasis on extracurricular activities, including various mathematical competitions and clubs, and seeks an individual willing to contribute to and enhance these initiatives. Our campus boasts exceptional facilities, including dedicated mathematics classrooms equipped with advanced resources to facilitate effective teaching and learning.

Required qualifications:
  • Proficiency in teaching Mathematics up to and including GCSE and IBDP or A level is crucial for this role.

  • The ideal candidate will have experience teaching these levels successfully and be adept at delivering engaging lessons that foster understanding and enthusiasm for the subject.

  • A strong foundation in mathematics is essential, and experience with examination boards and curriculum frameworks is highly valued.

  • UK qualifications and relevant experience teaching at either Key Stage 3, GCSE, A level or IB, either in the UK or overseas, are essential for all posts.

  • A commitment to the wider life of the school and our enrichment programme, is also an essential expectation of the job.

Main functions:
  • Deliver engaging and challenging lessons to all key stages that link with the real world and which are aligned with department schemes of work.

  • Assist in the process of curriculum development and delivery of an appropriate, comprehensive, high quality curriculum program at all key stages.

  • Use homework and assessments to monitor and track pupil progress. Identify and support underachieving students and challenge the high achievers, implementing intervention as needed.

  • Provide feedback and communicate effectively with parents, ensuring that both the student and parents are aware of student strengths and targets, across the year.

  • Work collaboratively with the members of the department to ensure this thriving department continues to improve.

  • Work with colleagues and members of the SLT to ensure that the school improvement plan priorities are effectively implemented.

All positions are offered with attractive packages including very competitive salaries, places for children in BSB, and other local benefits. Full induction and help with settling in Barcelona will be provided.

Join a team of dedicated, enthusiastic, inspirational individuals who appreciate the rigour of the English curriculum, but embrace the freedoms offered by an international setting, to plan for, and deliver outstanding results for our students.

Application Process:

Deadline for applications: 9am Wednesday 26/06/2024

Applications will be considered upon receipt and interviews will be scheduled as soon as mutually convenient.

To apply, please complete the Application Form and send it, along with a covering letter to Please indicate the job title in the subject line.

British School of Barcelona

Enquiries :93 707 95 98